manja fari’s b’day treats…

June 12, 2009 at 10:13 am (Uncategorized)

14 may 2009 was a very special day for me.. thanx to my adik beradik in manchester coz made a surprise b’day party organise by kcix,ummi,kai,jay,kiera,syura, n last but not least nana 🙂

honestly, i don’t like any surprises!!! i do ashamed with myself coz i thought something will change in my life on the next day, which is 15 may 2009 😛

my b’day celebration was different from the others coz normally we  cooking togther and the venue will be at my place, Cambridge Hall.. but for my b’day treat, we having dinner at Thai Banana..

thanx again to all my frenz!!! really appreciate it..

budakcomei's b'day cake

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